Fulfill digital products in orders automatically

Set up Filemonk to fulfill digital products


Last Update hace 9 meses

Filemonk can automatically fulfill all digital products in an order when the email is sent to your customer.

Step 1: Enable setting

To set this up, click "Settings" in the left menu bar, scroll down to 'Email' and look for the 'Fufillment' sub-section. Enable the checkbox in this section and save your changes.

Step 2: Skip specific products (optional)

You may have digital products that you do not want Filemonk to fulfill. For example: if the product is both physical & digital, you should fulfill the product after it is shipped. Filemonk can skip these products if you add a specific product tag. Make sure to add the tag in the "Do not fulfill products with tags" field here, and save your changes.

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