Upload files

Sell digital content with Filemonk


Last Update há um ano

To start selling digital content on your Shopify store, you need to link your files to products in Filemonk. The first step in this process is uploading your files.

To upload files, click Files in the left menu bar. Next, select one of the following:

Upload to Filemonk

Click 'Upload files' to upload one or more files to Filemonk.

Add a link

Click 'Create file from link' to add a link to a file uploaded to Google Drive, Dropbox or any other platform. Learn more about adding links.

Bulk import

If you're switching from another app to Filemonk or setting up files in bulk, click 'Import'. Filemonk can use a CSV instruction sheet to upload and link your files to digital products.

After uploading your files, link them to a product listing on your store to make it a digital product. When a customer purchases the digital product, your uploaded files will be made available to download. Learn more here:

1. Create a digital product

2. Link a file to a product

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